Solved! Vident iEasy320 OBD2 Code Reader Missing Language


Hi, I received the Vident ieasy320 obd2 scanner.  There is only 5 language available. Your webpage states it has 11 languages.  Can you add Dutch language to my scan tool?

Ieasy320 Update Language solution:

iEasy320 code scanner comes with 5 languages in default.  Users are allowed to add the language you desired to the device through the upgrade tool.

Download iEasy320 Installer here:

Install the update tool and update language to your scan tool.

Settings option opens a screen that allows you to set the language of the tool.

Downbload Ieasy320

Ieasy320 multilingual options:

English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Dutch, Swedish, Polish (authorized by local dealer)



*The method can be applied to other iEasy series scanners (download related update tool).

See also: How to Add More Language to Vident iEasy310 Scanner?

Author: admin