Why Vident iEasy310 is better then Foxwell NT301?
Both Vident iEasy310 and Foxwell NT301 are OBD2 code reader for home use. The following parts are available with their differences and similarities.
Part 1: The differences
Vident iEasy310 is better than Foxwell NT301 in the following aspects:
- User-friendly buttons.
Please look at the image below, both comes with Up, Down, Left and Right, Help, I/M readiness buttons, but Vident i310 buttons are arranged to meet the user’s habit.

- ieasy 310 Added “Battery Test” Function.
Ieasy310 is able to test battery. NT301 does not. Just select “Battery” option that tests and display voltage of battery.

- Languages:
Vident iEasy310 language default: English, Spanish, Italian, French, German.
For other language (Russian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Dutch, Sweden), please use the update tool to upgrade (Read instruction at http://www.videntstore.com/service/add-language-to-vident-ieasy310-scanner.html)

The customer receive Foxwell NT301 with any of the following 3 language package:
English, Spanish, Italian, French, German;
or English Portuguese Hungarian Dutch Swedish;
or English and Russian.
*** The user can reset freely.
Also support using the update tool to reset the language you want.
- Update:
Both can update by using the USB cable to connect machine and the computer.
Vident iEasy 310 Scanner update:
To update the code reader, you need following tools:
- OBDII/EOBD Code Reader
- Update Tool Ieasy
- PC or laptop with USB Ports and Internet explorer
- USB cable
To be able to use update tool, PC or laptop must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Operation System: All Windows systems, Win 98 to Win 10.
- CPU: Intel PⅢ or better
- RAM: 64MB or better
- Hard Disk Space: 30MB or better
- Display: 800*600 pixel, 16 byte true color display or better
- Internet Explorer 4.0 or newer
Update Procedure
- Download the update tool Ieasy and update files from our website www.videnttech.com and
save the applications and files in computer disk.
- Unzip the update tool file. Follow instructions on computer screen to install the tool and driver.
- Double click the Ieasy desk Top icon to launch the application.

- Click Setting and select the language you want to update.
- Press and hold HELP key. Hold and do not release the HELP key, then connect the USB cable.
- When the tool enters the Update Mode, the application would detect the tool automatically.
- Tick the file to update.
Part 2: The Similarities
Vident iEasy310 Scan Tool is as the same as Foxwell NT301 in the following aspects:
- Same Functions:
1) Enter ” OBDII/EOBD”, both has the following options:
Read codes
Erase codes
Live data
View Freeze Frame
I/M Readiness
On-board Monitor Test
Component Test
Vehicle Information
Modules Present
Unit of Measure

2) Same options of DTC Lookup, Review, Print Data, Setup, setup and about.

- Same vehicle coverage
Foxwell NT301 car list:
From the machine, there are 28 car brands list.
Please look at the following image and you will know.

- Both come with the same 1 meter 16pin cable, which will easy to use in the car.
Finally, Vident iEasy310 is a little bit cheaper than Foxwell NT301.
So what makes ieasy310 better than NT301?
1. More reasonable function buttons
2. adds battery test function
3. response and communicate faster than NT301 (has been tested by many)
4. much cheaper